Showing posts with label Lymphosarcoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lymphosarcoma. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How Is Canine Lymphoma Diagnosed? (Canine Lymphoma)

Canine Lymphoma

Once you bring your dog to your veterinarian, there are several tests that will give a positive lymphoma diagnosis. The first of these is a visual examination by your veterinarian. Once it is positively identified that one or all of your dog's lymph nodes are enlarged, further tests are needed.

Typically, a urinalysis(diagnostic test of your dog's urine) as well as a blood panel test are used to assess your dog's state of health. After this, one of the enlarged lymph nodes needs to be biopsied to positively identify the condition to be Lymphoma. Once a biopsy is taken, a pathologist will usually examine the cells under a high-powered microscope to confirm the diagnosis. Further examination of the biopsy will give an approximation of the progression of the cancerous tissue.

Canine Lymphoma

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Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Canine Lymphoma (Canine Lymphoma)

Canine Lymphoma

Canine Lymphoma is a condition that will cause your dog to display several key symptoms. Especially if your dog is one of the breeds commonly affected by lymphoma, it is essential to identify these symptoms as soon as possible.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lymphoma?


This is one of the more obvious signs of possible lymphoma, though may be harder to detect in dogs with thick fur. Abnormal lumps may appear in the abdomen, back, armpits, or neck. These lumps will be characteristically round and hard (not soft, like the fat deposits that develop in some older dogs).

2. Lack Of Appetite, Vomiting

Your dog will be feeling unwell, and may begin to show a lack of enthusiasm for mealtime. More food will remain in the dish after eating, or your dog may lose interest in food altogether. In addition to this, your dog may constantly be “hacking”, or vomit on a regular basis. All of these are signs that your dog is suffering from a serious health problem, and should be taken to a veterinarian immediately.

3. Fever

Detecting a fever in your dog as a stand-alone symptom can be difficult, though usually in cases of Lymphoma, a fever will be accompanied by several other symptoms. A fever that is steady, reoccurring, or lasts for longer than 3 days is a cause for concern.

4. Weight Loss

May dogs suffering from Lymphoma will appear to be depressed, and may cease to be excited about daily activities. Rapid weight loss in your dog is always a good reason to worry, as is one of the key symptoms of lymphoma (as well as several other serious health conditions).

Canine Lymphoma

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General Overview Of Canine Lymphoma (Canine Lymphoma)

Canine lymphoma

Canine lymphoma (also called lymphosarcoma) is the most common type of cancer to affect dogs. Canine lymphoma is defined as the occurrence of malignant tumors in a dog's organs, usually in the lymph nodes, liver, or spleen. Canine lymphoma can also be present in the digestive tract, as well as in the eyes and skin.

The first documented case of canine lymphoma was in a nine-year old crossbred dog, in the late 1980's. It was identified in the dog's prostate, and treatment was attempted with cytotoxic drugs. Since not much was known about this condition, the dog did not survive. With today's technology and veterinary medicine, there is a fairly high remission rate with Canine Lymphoma.

Canine Lymphoma can affect any type of dog, but there are several breeds that are more prone to develop this type of cancer. The most commonly affected breeds include Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Poodles, German Shepherds, Boxers, Scottish Terriers, Beagles and Basset Hounds.

Some of these breeds have an incredibly high rate of lymphoma, which is usually documented as an inherited breed-based trait.
For example, one in every eight Golden Retrievers will develop this condition.

The life expectancy of a dog diagnosed with lymphoma is between 9 and 12 months. While this may seem discouraging, it is possible to send a dog's lymphoma into remission with constant medical care, and regular chemotherapy.
With proper care, the survival rate of a dog diagnosed with lymphoma can be raised to 50%. With intensive chemotherapy, the average chance of remission is from 60-90%. Without treatment, most dogs will only survive for an average of two months.

Canine Lymphoma can be present wherever there is lymph tissue in your dog's body. It can travel quickly, especially if your dog is under significant stress. Lymphoma causes death in the same way that many other cancers do: by inducing organ failure.

The cancerous tumors begin to infiltrate important organs in your dog's system, and the damaged organ eventually fails. Some types of lymphoma that occur in the digestive tract, will prevent a dog from digesting food. This can cause death by starvation, since it is difficult to treat gastrointestinal canine lymphoma.

Though canine lymphoma may sound like a fatal condition, it actually has a much higher remission rate than some other cancers that can affect dogs. With a prompt diagnosis, as well as an intensive treatment plan, the chances of survival are moderately good.

Canine lymphoma

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